Thursday, April 14, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday to Mr. Winston and Ms. Penelope!!

Today is a special day...our kitties' birthdays!!  So we thought we would pull out some pictures from when they were little to reminisce.  Enjoy these super cute pics!

Its hard to believe that they could both fit since now one of them fills the whole thing up.

Our furry little Penelope!

My favorite "gremlin" picture of Ms. P when she had to get ear drops!

We are so thankful for our kitties...they have made great travel companions and keep us smiling and feeling loved!  Happy Birthday!

Jason and Amanda


  1. Happy Birthday to my grandkitties!!! Thank you for giving my children so much joy!!!!

  2. haha! the gremlin shot definitely gave me a laugh out loud. happy birthday kitties!
