Thursday, August 4, 2011

Damp sheets, bald eagles and jet boats!! (The Southern Oregon Coast)

Hello, everyone!!  At the end of last month we took a trip along the coast, starting in northern California going all the way up to the Washington state line.  It was so much fun and we saw so many beautiful sights.  Here is the story of our journey using pictures that we took.

We started the adventure by visiting the majestic redwood trees at the Redwood National Forest...the trees were mind-blowing and I'm so glad that a childhood desire, to stand among them, was fulfilled on this trip!

It was so cool to drive through one of these amazing trees!

My honey always has to get his picture with bear statues or other cool animals!  So, here he is with the golden bear we found on a bridge.

We were greeted with beauty like this all along Hwy 101 as we drove up the was hard not to stop and take pictures constantly but we would have made no progress that way!

I love lighthouses and my honey knew that it was important to me to see even though it wasn't his "thing" he tried to stop at every lighthouse and patiently walk with me to wherever it was and take pictures!
Some of the lighthouses were still being used to keep the ships from crashing into the rocks.

We stopped at this motel in Gold Beach the first night in preparation for our jet boat ride the next morning. Quaint little motel with damp floors and damp sheets...ewww!  As you can see, though, this motel was the best deal in town!

Another picture of the beautiful coast.

Here I am at the jet boat place before we left on our 7 hour ride!

This picture was taken from the boat as we went through a canyon on the river.  During our boat ride we saw a black bear swimming, salmon, osprey, bald eagles, harbor seals, deer and these really cool birds that swam under water to catch fish!

These boats glided along the top of the water at high speeds so that they could go into places with very shallow water and not have any difficulties or problems with hitting the bottom of the river.  The boats were originally used to take the mail to the folks who lived along the river.  There were not roads in this area until the 1960's so the only way to get things to the people was through the river.  The river is called the Rogue River and the boats still deliver the mail today. 

We stopped along the river for a break and there was this precious kitty named Mollie...she was so sweet and loved all of the attention from everyone that was on the boat tour!

These were a couple of statues that we saw along the way of Paul Bunyan and Babe...these statues were too big for my honey to get his picture with.  You can tell how big they are by comparing them to the lady in the picture.

We stopped the second night in North Bend and camped at this camp site...we were very excited about the location because the building you can see through the trees is the bathroom/shower building!!  It was super convenient for us when we needed the bathroom!  As you guys might remember, my honey is not a fan of camping (part of that might be because he is longer than the tent:).  He knows that camping is something I like so he makes sure we camp at least one night on our trips...I am really thankful for that because we always have such a great time!  (I think we might invest in a longer tent, though!)

We stopped in Florence at the Sand Dunes State was so amazing to see soooo much sand that it looked like the Sahara desert except that it was bordered by water!  So we signed up for a crazy, wild dune buggy ride that was better than a roller coaster!

Here is another bear statue that my honey took a picture of.  This was by the river where a momma whale with her baby was staying...we only could see the spray from the baby shooting up from the water.  This river was connected to the ocean but the momma whale brought her baby here for protection and privacy.

The rocks along the beaches created such picturesque and serene was just like I was looking at pictures in a calender.  Amazing views!!

Here we are in the "crook" of two cojoined redwood trees.

This is the end of the first part of our journey - the south coast.  It was so amazing to see the ocean and remember how God's love for us all is deeper and bigger than even the ocean!

I hope everyone is managing to stay should make a trip to the Oregon coast if you ever have the has such seemingly undiscovered beauty!  There is not nearly the tourism that there is in the Gulf coast so its peaceful and less hectic!

Love, Amanda

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