Sunday, August 7, 2011

Drum roll, please...Our next home is...

Wausau, Wisconsin!  After much prayer and deliberation, we now know that we are starting in Wisconsin in September.  Wausau is a town of around 40,000 folks and is green with hills and nearby lakes.  It might be the Midwest like South Dakota, but it will definitely be a totally different life experience.  Beyond the trees and beauty that South Dakota's Eastern half lacked, Wausau also boasts a winter with tons of snow and temperatures down to -20!!!

We have really enjoyed our time in the Northwest and will miss the people and climate/scenery but are really looking forward to this new adventure.  Please just pray for covered parking and no driveway to shovel!!!  We're still working out logistics of start date and housing and would also appreciate prayers that those things will fall into place soon.

We know the kitties will really miss our cute townhouse here in Corvallis also.  This funny moment was captured during cooking time one day!  Little do they know, another big change is coming.

Love you all,
Jason & Amanda


  1. Enjoy reading all of yall's adventures. Keep it coming!! Dad Orcutt

  2. I have a co worker who is from WI. He says its beautiful in the Fall and Spring. If you have any questions about the area, let me know and I can ask him. The winter will be cold.
    Uncle Onie
