Sunday, March 18, 2012

Libba & Adelaide came to visit!!!

Hey everyone,

I know Amanda mentioned our big trip to Hawaii, but there was a special visit right before.  Amanda's best friend (and great blog supporter) Libba came all the way from North Carolina to Oregon to visit with her super cute baby Adelaide.  It was a big deal for Amanda and I really enjoyed getting to know Libba better.

We all went out to the beach to show Newport to Libba and fun.  Chilly and cloudy as usual for the Northwest anytime but the summer, but still beautiful.  Here they are enjoying the seals who lounge waiting for fish to be thrown off boats.  We ate a great lunch at a beach side grill and then walked around taking the sights in together.

Mom and Dad, don't get too many ideas...just me and Mandi holding sweet Adelaide.  She was quite the crier during her stay but luckily we're both used to screaming kids at work so it was fun overall.  Word is that she learned how to self-soothe only a few days after getting back home...

I love this pic...Libba and her husband Josh rarely watch TV around the kids and I can see why!!  Adelaide would lock onto it whenever she could...she especially loves home shows and sports!

Oh well, just a fun little look into our journey...3rd visitors we've had in nearly two years of travel so thanks to Libba and Adelaide for making their way out.  Be watching out, our big 3rd Anniversary Hawaii trip just happened last week and a blog entry with tons of pictures is soon to come!


1 comment:

  1. Great pics and now I am holding my breath, waiting for the Hawaii documentary. Love you both!
