Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

Merry Christmas to Everyone!!!!  Here is a little holiday greeting from the Salmon family (Taos Branch) to yours...
This Christmas we had to be away from our families which was bittersweet but as mentioned before "Him + Her = Home".  We were able to talk multiple times with our families on speakerphone and Skype (video calling), which helped us feel like they were near.  As you can see from the pictures, our families made sure we had plenty of "loot" under our tree to open today!!  My mom made us each a "stocking box" that was like having our stockings at home only it came in a box!!  We let the kitties open their presents first and in usual "P" fashion, she grabbed the first toy she could get and ran off with it while growling at Mr. Winston.  She demonstrated the Christmas spirit of sharing in a whole new way.  But, thankfully, Winston was very happy with his present (a new chirping stuffed bird) and took it to the bedroom and played with it. 

The Salmon Family 2010
As most of you know, we are big Auburn fans (they are going to be in the National Championship, BTW) and so we requested new Auburn t-shirts for Christmas...Jameson did an awesome job with the shirts!

These are our stockings that we got on our first married Christmas that have traveled with us.  They were so heavy that we couldn't put everything in them because they were falling off the wall.  We had a lot of fun stuffing them for each other.

This is some video of the kitties getting their Christmas presents!

Here is a picture before our house looked like a bomb went off with all the wrapping paper and boxes!  After we got up and opened gifts...and ate yummy cinnamon rolls...we went back to bed!!!  Then we got up and ate lunch and played with our gifts...and then laid back down!  My mom gave us a wonderful electric blanket that we opened on Christmas Eve and somehow we can't seem to stay out of the bed now...funny thing is, the kitties can't seem to stay out of our bed either!!  Thanks, Mom for making it soooo hard to get up:)  Later, we got ready to head out to a friend from work's house to enjoy a big family Christmas dinner with her was wonderful and they made us feel so welcomed and included as if we were family.  The Lord has been so kind to provide us with surrogate family on these holidays that we've been away from our own families. 
So, as we wrap up this wonderful Christmas day, we want to tell our families how much they mean to us and how much their love keeps us going (especially thankful for my new sister-in-law, Lindley).  Also, we want to thank our Heavenly Father for sending His Son so that we could have family eternally!! 
Glory in the highest and peace on earth!

1 comment:

  1. Awwwe! Sweet video! I especially love the part when Ms P waves with her tail! :O) Miss you too and wish I'd had the thought to help stuff your stockings! Love all the posts!
