Sunday, February 27, 2011

Our silly kitties...

Hey again everyone, since we know you all love our kitties and think they are as adorable as we do, we thought we'd throw in a few pictures of recent cuteness.  Hope you enjoy...
As mentioned before, Ms. P loves the bath tub...this was taken when she hopped in right after Jason got out of the shower.  It was wet and she seemed to say "okay, it's my turn now!"

Mandi recently had a couple bad, somewhat different is Mr. Winston trying to cheer her up by sprawling out on her chest while she tries to rest!

The kitties love to look out our back door since it's all glass...they love it even more when we open it and they can sit with only the screen door between them and nature.  They will sit for hours watching birds, leaves and who knows what out there in our small backyard.  By the way, who was it that mentioned "the caboose bigger than the train?!?"  I guess we can't give Mom and Dad Salmon any more grief about how they fatten up animals!

Love you all,
Jason & Mandi

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