Saturday, March 26, 2011

Love from San Diego, Day One...

As most of you know we went to San Diego for our second wedding anniversary.  We left last Saturday and got back this past Thursday.  We are aware that we might be excessively celebrating, but why not have it go on for weeks?!!  As one person at work said "two years is a really big deal!" (keep in mind that we are in the minority here in Taos having gotten married at all).  We will take you on a picture tour of our trip...hope you enjoy!

On our way out of town we stopped at this little bar-b-que/hamburger joint along the road.  We had been told that it had the best burgers in the state, but since it closes mid-afternoon we had never made it before this trip.  The burger definitely lived up to its hype...Jason says its probably the best down home burger he's ever had.

Here we are on the plane leaving Albuquerque for San Diego!

When we got into San Diego, we took a cab to our hotel, which is in a cool part of town called the Gaslamp Quarter.  It is patterned after the French Quarter in New Orleans, and it has tons of cool shops and restaurants.

Here is the front of our hotel - the hotel Indigo.  We enjoyed the modern decor and boutique feeling of this hotel.

We are enjoying the hotel lobby in these was peaceful and had an amazing wall of water that you can see in the first of these two pics.  Below, is our hotel room with an incredible view of downtown San Diego and an all important king size bed!!

The hotel had really neat rooftop terraces and amazing area had lots of seating and fire pits, but it wasn't open until our last day there.

This is the Padres stadium that was at the end of our street and we could see right into it from our hotel...pretty neat!

In the evening we went to Horton Plaza where there was this amazingly huge outdoor mall that was 5 stories tall and had around 120 stores.  We grabbed ourselves a nice warm, buttery pretzel from Wetzel's Pretzels and took in the view...yummy!

There was this charming flower stand on the bottom level of the mall.  I had never seen an outdoor flower shop before and in San Diego I saw two.

For dinner we went to an italian restaurant called Asti...the food was soooo good and the atmosphere felt like we were in Italy!

That concludes our first day in San Diego...we knew we were in for a fantastic adventure and Mandi was already working on moving us there to live.

Love to all,
Jason and Amanda

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