Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Happy 2nd Anniversary to Us!!!

Hey everyone, in case you didn't know, we had our 2nd wedding anniversary yesterday (March 14th)!  We are going on a trip to San Diego to celebrate next week but had to do something special closer to the day...so, we went to a fancy restaurant in Taos, the Stakeout!  No, we're not joking, Stakeout is not a fast food steak place here, it's a fine restaurant up on a beautiful mesa outside of town.
The entrance had a peaceful courtyard with a great view...
Here we are with our entrees!  We started with a crazy Caesar salad that had large whole anchovies on it...yuck!  Next we had a bowl of chipotle corn chowder that was awesome but for some reason not at all like chowder (super thin).  Then we had our amazing steaks - Mandi with her filet mignon and me with a 12 ounce rib eye with bernaise sauce - fantastic and super filling.  Then, even though we were stuffed, we had bread pudding with caramel sauce which was scrumptious!  Suffice it to say we rolled out of there with out pants bursting!
Here's a copy of a neat postcard they give everyone who comes.  We could have sent it to someone but how could we choose...this way you all enjoy it.  You're welcome.
Where the road to the restaurant leaves the main highway there is this huge, crazy cowboy hat that everyone knows...

Well, we had a great time and can't wait for many more anniversaries and what each new year will bring.  Hope you are all well.  Mandi wanted me to let you know that being married has brought much joy and adventure and was well worth the wait!



  1. yay for delicious food and a wonderful two years!!! and, amanda, you DID cut your hair!!!!! wow! it looks awesome! i'm going to stop with the exclamation points. love, libba

  2. It blesses me beyond words to see how happy you guys are! Happy Anniversary my dear, sweet children!! The food looked greaat. love, mom

  3. Happy Anniversary!! Enjoy San Diego, we visited there for our anniversary a couple years ago. Nice city and great food. We enjoyed the food in Little Italy and there is so much to see and do in San Diego. Have fun :)
