Friday, April 1, 2011

Love from San Diego, Road Trip Day...

Hey y'all!!  We are on day three of our San Diego adventure!  This day we rented a car (as seen below) and headed out toward the beaches (imagine Beach Boys playing in your mind).

Our rental car was quite a gem.  Mandi chose the smallest car over an inexpensive upgrade because she thought it would be cute!  So, we ended with this guy that had a certain quirk...when we would dare leave the car it would intermittently cry out for attention by sounding its little alarm until we returned.  This didn't stop us from enjoying our adventure until one time we came back and found the rental car agent and an angry lady from a restaurant standing by the car.  Apparently, the alarm had been going off for two hours as we walked along the beach (oblivious) and were about to call a towing company and the police.  That was the second time the rental car company had been made aware of the problem, but did not offer to exchange the we continued our day and eventually decided to not lock the doors so that the alarm was not engaged.

We started the morning by heading to La Jolla (pronounced La Hoya) which is a very upscale, exclusive beach town.  The cheapest house in the town is over a half a million dollars!  The area is absolutely gorgeous.

We ate breakfast at this quaint cafe while overlooking the ocean.  Great food and beautiful surroundings.

At first we thought there were dead seals floating in the ocean and then realized that they were just napping.  There were dozens of seals ranging from grandpas to babies piled on top of each other around the beaches and rocks.  We had a blast watching them interact and how awkward they are moving around on land.  The babies were so cute and rolled around like little sausages.

Jason got a kick out of this sign...apparently, it is necessary to tell people that they shouldn't touch the seals!

From La Jolla we headed to PB (Pacific Beach), which was billed as the "quintessential southern California beach".  There was a boardwalk and many crazy characters, half-naked, playing on the beach even though it was ridiculously cold and windy!!  We found out that if the sun is shining then the beach bums are out no matter the temperature.

Here is one of the said "crazy characters"...he seems to be a regular and is the pigeon master!

We finished our tour of the beaches at OB (Ocean Beach) which is known as a counter-cultural hub that retains the funky charm of its 60's heyday.  Pretty cool, but the highlight for us was Dog Beach...a portion of the beach that was just for the dogs to play and swim.  There were about 25 dogs of all breeds and sizes playing with each other and acting crazy on the beach.  We enjoyed just watching their antics.

Wow, this place was on Newport Beach Blvd. in OB, and was highly recommended for a great burger experience!  We each had amazing burgers and had an incredible strawberry milkshake inside of the vibrant, eclectic, outrageous hangout...that was after waiting in line for about 30 minutes to get a table on a Tuesday!! 

On our way home from the beaches we intentionally got lost and came upon an amazing Navy cemetery!  Shiny white headstones extended as far as the eye could see and seemed to continue out into the ocean.
Such an awesome sight!

We also happened upon a famous place called "Sunset Cliffs" which had beautiful views and is known locally as "make-out point".
We ended the day at this super fun Irish pub and had "bangers and champ" (sausage and mashed potatoes).  All of the employees were Irish and there was an Irish band playing while we ate authentic and so tasty!

That wraps it three was amazing and stay tuned for day four!

Amanda and Jason

1 comment:

  1. awe yay! what fun! you guys are looking so great and doing a fantastic job of documenting your adventures for the rest of us. thanks!
