Tuesday, June 7, 2011

On the Road Again...To Corvallis, Oregon!

Last week we packed up our lives once again and headed out from Taos to Corvallis, Oregon.  Jason got a great hospitalist job at a hospital there and we hear the area is beautiful.  Here are some snapshots of our 2 day, 26 hour journey!

Well, the rickety Taos U-Haul place didn't have our cute little Thelma anymore so we had to go with a regular 4x8 ft trailer.  We decided to dub her Big Thelma or Big T.  Everything loaded in easily over an hour or so and we were off!

Apparently Sinclair Oil company is big in northern Colorado and Wyoming - we drove by one of their biggest refineries in Sinclair, Wyoming...  Their mascot is a lovable dinosaur that started because the original Mr. Sinclair hosted a big dinosaur exhibit at the 1920ish world's fair and it just stuck.  Jason saw this guy and had to take a prehistoric ride!

We chose a bit longer route in order to use more interstates.  So, we went about 2 hours from Taos to I-25 which went up through Denver and into lower Wyoming.  From there we drove another 8 or so hours across I-80 along the bottom of Wyoming and on into Utah and Salt Lake City where we stopped at midnight at a downtown Motel 6...seemingly creepy but actually not too bad.  Mandi loved the clean air, cozy big town feel, and beautiful snow capped mountain views all around...guess those Mormons did one thing right!

In Wyoming (or Eastern Oregon, we can't keep it straight) Mandi found some cuddly friends at one of the largest truck stop/gas stations of all time.  A fun break was definitely called for on day 2 of the trip.

Here we go...finally in Oregon!

The drive in Oregon was mostly along a river that creates the state line with Washington...the views were amazing with the beautiful river, rolling green hills, frolicking cows and sheep, and then the towering snow-capped mountains in the distance!

Our new home, 2893 NW Huckleberry Drive in Corvallis, OR.  It's a beautiful two-story townhouse with 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, and hideous furniture!  Oh well, you can't win 'em all.

Another view of the grassy sidewalk in front of our place...so nice after 6 months of rocks and brown in Taos.  And check out the crazy painting that was hanging on our living room wall!  It looks sort of like a bizarre ocean with crazy brains or weird slugs crawling out...the landlord is a very sweet, very accommodating lady, but she has some pretty bad taste also!  That thing got moved out day 2!

Finally, the sign of a happy home is kitties playing on the carpeted stairs...Ms. P is so happy.  Actually, we are all so happy and so blessed in our new home...now lets see if the job is as good!  Talk to you all again soon, hopefully with a feel for Corvallis...

Mandi and Jason

1 comment:

  1. yay! exciting to see pictures of where you are! that art is DEFINITELY hideous and i grinned about it having to go on day 2. heehee.
