Friday, June 3, 2011

Goodbye Taos and all our friends!

We have made many good friends and memories during our six months in Taos.  Our time here has held its challenges as well as triumphs! (Challenges might have seemed to outweigh triumphs at times!)  While we are ready for our next adventure in Oregon, here are some of the people and places we will never forget.

Amanda with two of the other nurses at the clinic where we worked.  Julie, on the left, was a new grad from Montana who like us was new to Taos.  Amy, on the right, was the boisterous ringleader of the office...she always had something crazy coming out of her mouth!

Next, is a picture of us with our friend Melody, another of the nurses.  She really helped Amanda feel welcome and was a great teammate and friend that we will always remember fondly.  Then there is Lisa, the clinic's nurse practitioner and avid outdoorswoman who Amanda worked with most days...the more they worked together the closer they got.

This is Nic...the brother and office manager (COO if you want to be official) of Dr. V.  Part Don Juan, part crazy, but always interesting.  Jason will never forget his random, sometimes awkward invites to baseball games in Albuquerque or to "plant" on the community farm...

These were the "front end" ladies (restaurant term from Nic the restauranteur), Wendy, Cristina, and Tanya (Amy's daughter).  These ladies kept us laughing and on our toes, especially Cristina with her "I don't like to gossip" constant gossip!

Where we spent the last 6 months...a beautiful clinic with a beautiful view, but not a drop of color or artwork on the inside for the kids...can a brother get a little Tigger on a wall for goodness sakes!

This is the hospital which sits next to the clinic, just up the hill.  Jason caught many a baby and went to the ER at crazy hours (not too often) to admit kids in need...a small hospital with it's own big attitude.  Amanda tried to get a job there for awhile but learned quickly that she was a bit too light skinned for their taste...

Hunan Chinese...nothing special, just fantastic and cheap regular Chinese food...yummy.

Who would think the best tamales in town would come from a trailer?!  In a grocery store parking lot no less!  Well, consider yourself notified.  Leonel keeps them warm and tasty until the last one is served.

Do you like a tasty somewhat high-end burger?  Well, Five Star was rated best in New Mexico by USA Today...and they were correct!  We recommend most of the items but if you have to choose then go for the amazing grilled cheese with a burger added inside...bravissimo!

Bent Street Deli was our go-to spot for after church lunch.  They have this amazing sandwich on a croissant called the Californian...superb every time!

Below are some pictures of the Taos countryside in all of its "green" splendor...amazing in comparison to the snowy brown scenery when we arrived way back in early December.

One of the things that kept us afloat through the trying times adjusting to Taos was our church...Calvary de Taos.  More specifically, it was Pastor Larry.  His amazing preaching allowed us to see things in all new ways and grow together and with God.  While the fact that many people in the church never recognized us let alone knew our names in 6 months of regular attendance was daunting, Pastor Larry made every moment worth while.  We will miss him.

Here are some outside views of our little home in Taos, 107 Toalne.  It might have been humble (not really!) but it became home.

Thanks to our family and friends for their support during the Taos leg of our journey.  We appreciated the visitors that came to see us and look forward to more in the future.  Next up, our trip to Oregon...stay tuned!

Jason & Amanda

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