Sunday, July 24, 2011

Strawberry picking at it's best!

Hey everyone, as part of Mandi's attempts to broaden my horizons during our adventure, she took me out to a strawberry patch (if that's what it's called) for some good old-fashioned pickin'.  After about 5 minutes and probably too many strawberries for our small family, we had satisfied her goal.  I don't really like strawberries, but these were actually not too bad and the picking was kinda neat.

After the picking, we walked across the dirt road to a "hazelnut farm" that the same family managed.  It was actually much neater and really had a cool effect walking down endless, very even rows of trees.  That was probably the highlight for me, but don't tell Mandi!  Talk to you all again soon...lots of fun stuff going on up here in the summer and we're already behind on blogging by a week or two!


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