Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fried Twinkies, Billy Goats and a Rodeo...

Hi, y'all!!  Recently, the county where we live hosted their annual fair!  Of course we had to go because we always have such a good time and because my honey LOVES fair food! 

There was a rodeo that was at the fair, however, it didn't come close to comparing to the one we went to last month!  On to the fun animals.

This horse was so sweet and super friendly!  I really love how soft their noses are.

My honey thought this sign was humorous but I'm glad that they warned the public so that we didn't have to learn from experience!

We love to see all the farm animals at the fair and this sign was above one of the cows.  Notice the name of the cow is "Chick-n-Fried". 

4-H is big in this part of Oregon and they have a 4-H Llama Club! This llama was so soft and very tolerant of being petted...thankfully, we didn't get spit on!  I got to feed the llama...his lips were like velvet on the palm of my hand!

One thing we have noticed about Oregon is there a serious lack of proof-reading as evidenced  by this sign...who doesn't love some good fair VEGIES!!

We love watching baby goats play and jump around...these guys were so frisky and gave us a good laugh!

This is Becky, a friend that I met one Sunday at church...she is new to Corvallis and is here alone while she completes rotations for medical school.  She joined us at the fair for some fun! 

My honey needed to ride a fair ride before we could call this experience complete.  I, on the other hand, did not feel the my honey rode this ride all alone!

This is apparently how tickets are given at the fair.  You pay a certain amount and that number of tickets is loaded onto the card.  My honey put on a whopping 4 dollars that paid for his one ride!
We had a great time and got some sun!
Talk to you all later,

1 comment:

  1. hahaha "chick'n'fried"!!! that's hilarious. looks like a lot of fun!
