Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Whale watching that wasn't...second try!

Hey everyone, as we mentioned before, we really tried to get in whale watching on our trip along the coast but it didn't work out due to weather.  Well, we had to head back to the coast to run an errand for my honey and made the time to reschedule.  Fingers crossed!

We got out on the little zodiac with Captain Carrie Newell, a marine biologist and whale expert, and had no idea what to expect.  It started with some cool sea lions lounging on this structure just beyond the bay...one baby was making the funniest roar!

Me with a whale beard that they use to capture tiny shrimp that they then eat...Captain Carrie apparently discovered this about 10 years ago...before that no one knew what grey whales ate!

Mandi in whale watching garb!  And, introducing Kida, the whale watching Goldie who goes on all trips.

Kida is very smart and loves whale watching.  She runs back and forth looking and then flips out if she sees one.  Apparently national geographic wants to include her in an upcoming video on whale watching.

Well, we had a great time together, trolling around areas where whales frequent for over and hour, seeing so many beautiful things, BUT NO WHALES!!!  Oh well, you can't control nature.  We'll have to try again.  Below is the guy we should have seen...

Hope everyone is well, we're getting ready to head out on our 32 hour drive to Wisconsin.  Only 10 more days here!


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