Thursday, December 29, 2011

Happy Birthday Jesus!

Merry Christmas to all of our friends, family and blog-followers!!  

We had a wonderful and joy-filled Christmas season.  We flew to Birmingham and enjoyed Christmas with our families about 2 weeks ago so Christmas day was just the two of us.  We attended the candle-light service at our church here in Wisconsin on Christmas eve and had a yummy meal afterwards with a friend who is also a travel doctor and doesn't have her family with her.  Christmas morning we got up and exchanged gifts with each other and our sweet kitties!  Then we went to help serve a community Christmas meal at the downtown Methodist church.  This is the 42nd year that this event has taken place and it was such a blessing to be able to give out of our abundance to the poor and lonely!  Jason was such a super-star at helping the elderly get settled at their seats...I loved getting to serve together and see him show such a giving spirit.  After that we returned to our warm and cozy little apartment and spent time relaxing and enjoying being together.  We had pizza and candy for dinner!!  Yummy!  We also skyped with our family and got to share part of the day with them.  We really hope that each of you enjoyed the hope and peace that come with Christmas as we remember the wonderful gift He gave.

The manger scene at a local Christmas festival...very pretty, especially with the snow falling.

We had a "Happy Birthday, Jesus" celebration, on Christmas eve, which included a single piece of yummy carrot cake with a candle in it.  We sang "happy birthday" and then put that cake into our tummies!

The Salmon Family 2011.

Ms. P and Mr. Winston enjoying their gifts.  They really enjoy toys more than any cats we've ever seen!

Our loot!

Didn't even know Peeps come in Christmas form...yippee.

The "whole" Salmon Family Christmas photos 2011!!  We had to do the second because mom (Mil) wouldn't accept the one inside!

Hope you are all as happy as our kitties...starting to become cuddle-bunnies with the cold climate...and their love for each other of course!

As is tradition, we also got Japanese for Jason's birthday when we got back to Wausau right before Christmas.  The chef was named "Jimmy" but was pretty good...nice onion volcano.  Ignore Jason's snaggle-toothed smile.

Oh well, wishing you all a great New Years!  Talk to you soon.

Mandi & Jason

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