Saturday, May 28, 2011

Mandi's big debut...

Hey everyone, one of the new challenges on this adventure for Mandi has been dancing.  She's been in a modern dance class for about 10 weeks (only) and had a recital a couple weeks ago!  She was pretty anxious (I would have been a wreck!) but I think it was quite impressive.  Here is the program and a couple shots of her in action!
The "theme" was vacation...supposedly the music was meant to evoke the feeling of travel fun...  Note the location of the performance.  Nothing like a thought provoking modern expression in black tights at a church!

Okay, there are two great videos of her two dances, "the tennis dance," and "the tango dance," but I can't get them to download on the blog...suffice it to say she's glad!  Anyway, here are some still pics taken from the videos so you can get the idea...

The beginning of the tennis comment on the apparent variation in moves!

More tennis fun...

Now, here's the tango dance where she hit her stride...nailing the entire thing.  I enjoyed the sassy beginning poses for all the dances!


Hope you guys enjoyed this fun detour...I know Mandi loved the class and I'm very proud of her for expanding her boundaries while I was watching TV with the kitties!  She might not be a pro dancer yet but she sure is awesome.  Talk to you all soon.


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