Sunday, May 29, 2011

Mother's Day Bash...Taos Style!

Well, this is a bit of a late entry...again.  Since we had no mothers with us for Mother's Day, we decided to go and watch Taos celebrate.  They have an annual concert with a dozen local bands over two days and food vendors like at the fair and (of course) the Budweiser beer garden...what is celebrating mom without a bunch of drunk people!  Kind of like a very small, very cheap, Latino City Stages.

One of our friends at work, Christina, told us that it would be an adventure and that "all the local people you never see will be there since it's free!"  Well, we wrote it off as slightly racist but she was also somewhat correct...there were hundreds of people and we only saw 5 or so that we had ever seen before!  The kicker was also that there were only 3 other "non-Taosenos" besides us two.  Definitely a taste of the real Taos which doesn't include rich ski bums...  Check out the crowd size.

This is a video surveying the scene, hopefully it captures the feel!  One fun fact is that there were more police officers at this one event than we have seen combined in our entire time here!  I would bet there were 50 cops at least for a crowd of 4 or 5 hundred max!  Turns out that there was a stabbing at the bash 2 years ago so they have cracked down...great place to take mom and celebrate!  Nothing like local flavor to put things into perspective...

Talk to you all soon.  We are starting to pack for Oregon and will get a good-bye blog entry up soon.


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