Saturday, January 7, 2012

~~ In Memoriam ~~

I had the pleasure of getting to know a very special kitty for the last almost 5 years.  His name was Meshach Orcutt, and he was definitely a very good boy.  Meshach made many great friends in his long lifetime, from country cats to Ms. Dottie next door to a young Cedar in his final days.  He worked his way up in the world from barnyard mouser to town yard cat to garage cat to house cat to sleeping with his mommy every night...not a bad resume to say the least!  Above all, he brought joy and love to his humans and was truly a "little man" rather than a cat.  He will be sorely missed.

But let those of us left behind not despair, for Mister "Meshka" is in heaven right now running free with Gideon, his brothers, Toby, Nipper, and many other new friends!

Meshach Orcutt
May 1998 - January 4, 2012



  1. Jason, thank you for posting such a beautiful memorial to my sweet little man Meshach. I miss him every day and especially every night. Thank you again dear S.I.L.
    Meshach's mom

  2. Awe - Mesh! What happened? Sorry for the loss of your constant little companion Leanette!

    1. Libba, thank you. Meshac lost his battle with diabetes. We tried to keep it under control with diet and insulin twice a day but it just didn't work. He is no longer suffering and though I still miss him I am comforted to know that.
