Sunday, February 12, 2012

One more drum roll...please...

So sorry for the radio silence...we have been up to our eyeballs with possible decisions, important decisions, prayers about wise decisions, and then finally, an actual decision!!
 As many of you know, Jason and I have been wanting to stop being gypsies and put down roots somewhere.  My honey has spent a lot of time on the phone regarding permanent job prospects and flying to interviews trying to find a good job and a location that would be good for me, the kitties :) and future little Salmons!  It has been a time of growing and learning more about patience and trusting our Heavenly Father.
But finally, we have made a decision and accepted a Memphis, TN!  We are so excited and can't wait to find our "forever home" there  We will start on May 1st which is not that far away; however, before that job starts we will be returning to Corvallis, OR, to fulfill our commitment there.  So, we are about to be in a whirlwind of change; we leave for Oregon on the 16th of this month and then finish up there at the end of April and have to drive cross-country to Tennessee to start work there on May 1st!!

Memphis might have a tough reputation, but it also has some beautiful areas and more attractions than we expected.  And it's only 3 1/2 hours from potential grandparents!  Free babysitting come on up...

My honey's new home.  Pretty soon the sign will say "For Women and Children"...definitely a nice place.

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